Rocalia 2017 in pictures
The 5, 6 and 7 of december, the first edition of the Rocalia show took place at Eurexpo.
The 5, 6 and 7 of december, the first edition of the Rocalia show took place at Eurexpo. It was at the same time as Paysalia. During three days, there were a lot of events and activities : the Rocalia Design Expo, the Rocalia Club, Stereotomy Expo… Discover the main events of Rocalia 2017 show !
Rocalia Design Expo
A simple goal : to honor the design of natural stone across different realizations selectif by the Design comittee of the show. The exhibitors could highlight their creation on their stand or on the Rocalia Design Expo area.
Stereotomy Expo
A dedicated exhibition to the stereotomy in order to highlight the know-how and innovation. During all the show, it was possible to follow the project « La feuille » of the association Des Hommes et Cailloux. The structure was answering different needs : resting, enjoying the sun, or just sheltering.
The Rocalia Club
Elisabeth Polzella, architect and member of the association Rhônapi, partner of the show, conceived the Rocalia Club. The idea was that every pieces had to be unique, by the shape but also by the function. To represent the diversity of the natural stone in France.
The conferences
During three days, speakers expressed themselves on different thematics around natural stone. A great occasion to learn more with experts and professionals.
All the events highly contributed to the success of the first edition of Rocalia show. See you in 2019 !
97% of the visitors were satisfied or very satisfied of their visit in 2017.
Crédits photos : Elisabeth Rull & Kasia Strek